Getting started


Install using npm

react-i18next can be added to your project using npm:

# npm
$ npm install react-i18next i18next --save

In the /dist folder you find specific builds for commonjs, es6 modules,...

Load from CDN

You can also add a script tag to load react-i18next from one of the CDNs providing it, eg.:

Translation "how to"

You have two options to translate your content:

Simple content

Simple content can easily be translated using the provided t function.


<div>Just simple content</div>



JSX tree

Sometimes you might want to include html formatting or components like links into your translations. (Always try to get the best result for your translators - the final string to translate should be a complete sentence).

Before: Your react code would have looked something like:

  Hello <strong title="this is your name">{name}</strong>, you have {count} unread message(s). <Link to="/msgs">Go to messages</Link>.

After: With the trans component just change it to:

<Trans i18nKey="userMessagesUnread" count={count}>
  Hello <strong title={t('nameTitle')}>{{name}}</strong>, you have {{count}} unread message. <Link to="/msgs">Go to messages</Link>.

Basic sample

This basic sample tries to add i18n in a one file sample.

import React from "react";
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import i18n from "i18next";
import { useTranslation, initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";

  .use(initReactI18next) // passes i18n down to react-i18next
    // the translations
    // (tip move them in a JSON file and import them,
    // or even better, manage them via a UI:
    resources: {
      en: {
        translation: {
          "Welcome to React": "Welcome to React and react-i18next"
    lng: "en", // if you're using a language detector, do not define the lng option
    fallbackLng: "en",

    interpolation: {
      escapeValue: false // react already safes from xss =>

function App() {
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  return <h2>{t('Welcome to React')}</h2>;

// append app to dom
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
  <App />


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