NamespacesConsumer (v9)
Was introduced in v8.0.0. Not available in older versions.
The NamespacesConsumer is a so called render prop. The component passes the t function to child function and triggers loading the translation files defined. Further it asserts the component gets rerendered on language change or on changes to the translations themselves.
To learn more about using the t function have a look at i18next documentation:
Sample usage
NamespacesConsumer props
type (default)
boolean (false)
assert all provided namespaces are loaded before rendering the component (can be set globally too).
Note that rendering will not be blocked again when dynamically updating the ns
prop after initial mount.
In most cases you like to set this to true. If not handling not ready by evaluating ready.
string ('default')
default: namespaces will be loaded and the first will be set as default fallback: namespaces will be used as fallbacks used in order provided
string ('languageChanged loaded')
which events trigger a rerender, can be set to false or string of events
string ('added removed')
which events on store trigger a rerender, can be set to false or string of events
boolean (true)
Does not trigger rerenders while state not ready - avoiding unneeded renders on init
Last updated