withNamespaces (v9)

The withNamespaces hoc is responsible for passing the t function to your component. It enables all the translation functionality provided by i18next. Further, it asserts your component gets re-rendered on language change or changes to the translation catalog itself (loaded translations).

withNamespaces(namespaces, options)(MyComponent);


import React from 'react';
import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';

function TranslatableView(props) {
  const { t, tReady } = props;
  // tReady is true if translations were loaded.
  // Use wait option to not render before loaded
  // or render placeholder yourself if not tReady=false

  return (
      <p>{t('anotherNamespace:key.from.another.namespace', { /* options t options */ })}</p>

export default withNamespaces([
], { /* additional options see below */ })(TranslatableView);

// or: short for only loading one namespace:
export default withNamespaces('defaultNamespace')(TranslatableView);

// or: short for using defaultNS defined in i18next
export default withNamespaces()(TranslatableView);

// or: using a function to return namespaces based on props
export default withNamespaces((props) => props.namespaces)(TranslatableView);

If not using the reactI18nextModule this hoc should be nested inside a I18nextProvider. Alternatively you can pass the i18next instance via prop i18n.

Using with TypeScript

To help you using TypeScript and the @withNamespaces decorator here is a trival example:

import * as React from 'react';
import { withNamespaces, WithNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';

class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent<WithNamespaces> {
  public render() {
    const { t } = this.props;
    return (
export default withNamespaces()(MyComponent);

Set defaults for all used withNamespaces

Most time you like to change those values for every component.

Set those on i18next init:

  // ... other options
  react: {
    wait: false,
    withRef: false,
    bindI18n: 'languageChanged loaded',
    bindStore: 'added removed',
    nsMode: 'default'

withNamespaces options:

export default withNamespaces(
  { wait: true } // <-- options


type (default)



boolean (false)

In most cases you like to set this to true. If not handling not ready by evaluating tReady.


string ('default')

default: namespaces will be loaded an the first will be set as default or

fallback: namespaces will be used as fallbacks used in order provided


function or object (undefined)

either pass in a object React.createRef or a ref function like (c) => this.myRef = c;


string ('languageChanged loaded')

which events trigger a rerender, can be set to false or string of events


string ('added removed')

which events on store trigger a rerender, can be set to false or string of events


boolean (true)

Does not trigger rerenders while state not ready - avoiding unneeded renders on init


object (undefined)


boolean (false)

use shallowEqual on props change if set to true

withNamespaces props:


type (default)



object (undefined)

pass i18next instance by props instead of having it on context


object (undefined)


object (undefined)

Last updated