Multiple Translation Files

One of the advantages of react-i18next is based on i18next it supports the separation of translations into multiple files - which are called namespaces in i18next context -> as you're accessing keys from a namespace defining that as a prefix:

So while this takes the translation from the defined default namespace:


This will lookup the key in a namespace (file) called common.json:

i18next.t('common:look.deep'); // not recommended with ns prefix when used in combination with natural language keys
// better use the ns option:
i18next.t('look.deep', { ns: 'common' })

In order to use multiple namespaces/translation files, you need to specify it when calling useTranslation :

const { t } = useTranslation(['translation', 'common']);


withTranslation(['translation', 'common'])(MyComponent);

or Translation:

<Translation ns={['translation', 'common']}>
  (t) => <p>{t('look.deep', { ns: 'common' })}</p>

Separating translation files

In i18next you have a lot of options to add translations on init, in your code calling API methods or using one of the backend implementation. For a detailed write up check out the "Add or load translation guide on".

With react-i18next you can use any of the components passing down the t function to your components to load namespaces:

All take arguments to define which namespaces to load and will Suspense rendering until those got loaded.

So you do not need to load all translations upfront enabling you to create huge react based applications without slowing down loading of the first page cause all translations need to be loaded upfront (hello other i18n implementations).

Manage your translations with a management GUI

locize is the perfect translation management tool for your i18next project

Here you can find a step by step guide, which will unleash the full power of i18next in combination with locize. See how your developer experience with this localization workflow could look like. There's also the possibility to have an even more focused developer experience, with the help of the auto-machinetranslation workflow and the use of the save missing keys functionality, new keys not only gets added to locize automatically, while developing the app, but are also automatically translated into the target languages using machine translation (like Google Translate).

Last updated